Sunday, March 10, 2013


Week 1

Hola Mi Familia y Mi Amigos!

It was wonderful to see your wonderful emails in my inbox when I opened it up today. We have been working so hard and I feel the spirit so strongly. To be honest I feel like we have hardly any time to think about you guys. They work us from sun up to sun down. Mis compañeros and I are learning much spanish!! It is incredible the teachers we have. 

Forimanti (yes dad he is from italy!) is really a sweet guy and just got back from his mission 4 months ago. We are his first class. We learn about the gospel and how to teach investegators. Then there is Moronico! Crazy hard core teacher who whips us into shape faster then whipped cream :P lol.

My COMPANIONS! they are amazing girls. I feel so blessed to have them in my life! I love how they are always there for me and how they help and strengthen my life. Hermana West is REALLY strong in spanish and has been helping Hermana Coles and I speak better as time goes on. We have had a total of 4 investegator lessons, literally teaching the gospel to a teacher pretending to be a ligitament investagator. I am so grateful to have these two incredible sisters by my side. 

There are 10 of us Americanos in the Aáron district. We are all so strong in so many ways. I look around at each companionship and I know that they are meant to be there. Each has a strong testimony, excellent comments, and phenominal commitment. We all feel on fire to be here and it is the 8th day! 

The C.C.M is incredible! The mission President is intense and well rounded. He has much knowledge of the scriptures. It is incredible to me how the Lord knows exactly who I need in my life. I have never heard someone pray for me as President Openshaw did for me on the first day here. I feel inspired and each day I grow closer to the Savior and closer to learning spanish. 

The schedule they have here has really helped me! I feel uplifted and inspired. Monday was hard day for me. The language seemed like a huge bolder crushing me...I think i know how atlas feels. Spanish is hard. Yet I know with time i will get it. This past Sunday was fast sunday! As a district we all fasted for the gift of touges. I can tell you the spirit was incredible. Words cannot describe the unity we have and the power in purpose. Our teacher Morinco after the prayer was said starting it had a little tear in his eye. This was unlike him and we know he felt our unity!

Thank you so much for your update from home. Mom there are so many things you wrote! I don´t think i got to all of it. we only have thirty mintues to write you. Kaleb your words were great!! I love it here! I am getting to know so many people!! The Latinas are incredible and they really have come to be my hermanas. 

Please keep your emails breif. you know me, i will feel you in on much! I love you all so much!!

Hermana Kaitlyn Hansen

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