Lately I have been thinking. Life is a journey that is made better through the grace of God, excellent friends and family, and your own personal choice and attitude. The more I grow up, the more I realize that the place you come from doesn't really matter. What matters more is that you know where you are going and to know without a doubt that you are not alone!
I strongly believe that there needs to be more love in this world. That kind of brotherly love, where we take care of one another. I think everyone honestly just needs to feel they are loved. To know they have a friend. To be comfortable, secure, and learn to see the beautiful them that has always been there.
A kind word is never forgotten. In reverse a mean, rude, insensitive, ignorant type words are remembered and soon opinion and judgements are formed on both ends. Should we not speak kindly of one another? How about towards each other? Each of us is beautiful, special, and incredible! Kind words spring from kind thoughts. Lately I have been thinking about what sort of thoughts am I thinking about others? I would like kindness to begin with me.
I think inner beauty is worth more than a handsome face. I truly believe everyone is beautiful.
Like the beauty of discovering a new soul, a new story, a new personality, a new perspective. Perhaps with different or similar passions, dislikes, and experiences as you! I love people. They offer so much with so little effort. I love it when people are just themselves and no one else--yes flaws and all! I am starting to figure out who I am; which I am beginning to realize is a life long process. I am starting to figure out how to shine brightly by just being me, and no one else!
Each one of us is a child of God with infinite potential. Each of us is loved of God and we all need to feel of His love. Our capacity to love is endless. Honestly try it, you will never run out of love. I think it is a personal choice to let that action become regular and to not be afraid to give of our time and personality. We all need love. We all need to know that we are worth something. To me, you are beautiful, talented, amazing, good, and worthy of love. This is my challenge to Be My Own Kind of BEAUTIFUL!